bash >= 4.2
# Set the destination.
# Clone the repository.
git clone $BASHRC_DIR
# Create symlinks.
ln -s $BASHRC_DIR/bashrc ~/.bashrc
ln -s $BASHRC_DIR/bashrc.local ~/.bashrc.local # Optional
ln -s $BASHRC_DIR/bash_profile ~/.bash_profile # Optional
:: Set the destination.
set BASHRC_DIR=%USERPROFILE%/.config/bashrc
:: Clone the repository.
git clone %BASHRC_DIR%
:: Create symlinks (as administrator).
mklink %USERPROFILE%\.bashrc %BASHRC_DIR%\bashrc
mklink %USERPROFILE%\.bashrc.local %BASHRC_DIR%\bashrc.local
mklink %USERPROFILE%\.bash_profile %BASHRC_DIR%\bash_profile
Sources ~/.bashrc
in interactive login shells.
A clean, barebones rc with sane defaults.
Sources ~/.bashrc.local
Default local config. Replace it with a machine-specific one if needed:
$ ( LOCALRC=$BASHRC_DIR/bash.local.$(uname -n) && touch $LOCALRC && ln -s $LOCALRC ~/.bashrc.local )
Sources bash.d
This is where the bulk of the configuration lies.