
Helios Protocol Node

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Helios Protocol Node


This is the Helios Protocol node software.


If you just installed Debian linux, and you are a beginner linux user, check the "First time Debian user notes" section at the bottom first

Py-helios-node install instructions:

  1. Make sure you have the correct version of python installed. The version is listed at the top of this document. Caution: do not upgrade your system python from 2 to 3 as this can cause massive problems. Instead, we recommend installing a new version of python using pyenv. To install pyenv, use the setup script found here. For completeness, we will summarize the current setup steps here:

    1. Prerequisites

      $ sudo apt install git
      $ sudo apt install curl

      or for centos:

      $ sudo yum install git
      $ sudo yum install curl
    2. Install

      $ curl -L https://github.com/pyenv/pyenv-installer/raw/master/bin/pyenv-installer | bash
    3. Edit .bashrc

      $ vi ~/.bashrc

      add the lines

      export PATH="~/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
      eval "$(pyenv init -)"
      eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
    4. Reload .bashrc

      $ source ~/.bashrc
    5. Install python 3.6

      First, make sure you have some required packages installed:

      $ sudo apt install build-essential
      $ sudo apt install zlib1g
      $ sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
      $ sudo apt install libssl-dev

      Then install python 3.6 using the following command

      $ pyenv install 3.6.5

      If you get any warnings, it is usually ok. But if you get an error at this step, it probably means you didn't have a required package installed. Read the error message, and it will tell you which package you need to install. Install the missing package using sudo apt install ... Then after that, run the above command again. Make sure it succeeds without an error before moving on.

  2. Clone this repo

    $ cd ~/
    $ git clone https://github.com/Helios-Protocol/py-helios-node
  3. Set python environment

    $ cd py-helios-node
    $ pyenv local 3.6.5
  4. Install the Helios Node

    $ pip3 install -e .
  5. Ensure that the slow version of RLP is uninstalled, and install a fresh copy of the fast one. This will force all external libraries that use RLP to switch to the fast one.

    $ pip3 uninstall rlp
    $ pip3 uninstall rlp-cython
    $ pip3 install rlp-cython


The Helios Protocol consensus mechanism is partially based on PoS. This requires that all nodes are associated with a wallet address that has a non-zero stake in order to run. So at this point, you have to configure the node software to use your wallet as a source of coins to stake.

  1. Create keystore file. This is an encrypted file that stores your private key. You will be able to create this with our wallet when it is released. But for now, you can just create a new wallet using MyEtherWallet, then save the wallet file. This file will work with Helios Protocol.
  2. Place keystore file within the directory helios/keystore
  3. Configure node to use your keystore file. Copy helios/helios_config_template.py to helios/helios_config.py. Then edit the new file and tell it the filename of your keystore file to use.

Open Ports in Firewall

The node software needs to have an open path for communication with other nodes on the network. If you have firewall software enabled, such as iptables, then you might have to open some ports to ensure this. The default installation of Ubuntu and Debian probably already have the ports open. Other distros such as Centos likely have most ports closed by default.

Debian and Ubuntu

$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 30303 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 30304 -j ACCEPT
$ sudo iptables-save

Centos 7

$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent –zone=public --add-port=30303/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --permanent –zone=public --add-port=30304/tcp
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload

Start the node

$ python ~/py-helios-node/helios/main.py

Then enter your keystore password when prompted. This password is never saved, it is only used to initially decrypt your keystore file.

This document is still a work in progress. More details will come soon.

Node troubleshooting

If your node shuts down unexpectedly, it may leave dangling processes and ipc sockets which will give you problems when you try to start it again. If this happens, run this command to force close all previous node processes:

$ python ~/py-helios-node/helios/main.py fix-unclean-shutdown

After this has finished running, you can then run the node software normally again.

If you ever want to check the logs, you can find them at ~/.local/share/helios/mainnet/logs

First time Debian user notes

If you just installed debian linux, you will need to give your personal user sudoer privileges. This is required for the above installation steps that have sudo at the beginning. Do this by running the following commands:

$ su

Type in your root password when prompted, then:

$ usermod -aG sudo username

Where "username" is replaced with the name of your personal user that you want to add to the sudoers.

Then, logout and log back in. After this you will have sodoer privileges.