
Flexible way to use globs as entry points for rollup

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


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This plugin is based on excellent, if limited, rollup-plugin-multi-entry.

rollup-plugin-entry-glob allows you to specify globs as entry points (or manualChunks) for your rollup bundle. Unlike the afformention plugin, you can choose which entry points to combine and which ones to use code-splitting for.

This is achieved by changing the way includes/excludes work. If you need rollup to completely ignore some files matched by entry glob, specify another entry glob (or a regular path) matching only those files prefixed by !.


This plugin requires at least v0.48.0 of rollup.

In rollup.config.js:

import entryGlob from 'rollup-plugin-entry-glob';

module.exports = {
	input: 'src/**/*.js',
	output: {
		dir: 'dist/',
		format: 'es',
	plugins: [

The entry above is the simplest form of using this plugin. It will include all the javascript files in your project source tree.

You can also pass:

// A single path (like not using this plugin)
input: 'src/index.js',
// ...

// Array of paths
input: ['src/a.js', 'src/b.js', ...],
// ...

// Array of globs
input: ['src/**/*.js', 'src/**/*.html', ...],
// ...
// Note: to import files other than javascript you need other plugins

// Or a mixed array
input: ['src/index.js', 'src/subdir/*.js', ...],
// ...

// To include all files except boring.js
input: ['src/**/*.js', '!**/boring.js'],
// ...

options.include and options.exclude specify which entry points should be combined into a single bundle. By default all entry points are combined. If you want to combine only specific files, specify them in options.include. If you want to have separate bundle, put selected files in options.exclude and manualChunks.

For example:

module.exports = {
	input: 'src/**/*.js',
	output: {
		dir: 'dist/',
		format: 'cjs',
		chunkFileNames: '[name].js',
	manualChunks: {
		second: ['src/second/*.js'],
	plugins: [
			fileName: 'first',
			exclude: 'src/second/*.js',

With this config you'll have 2 bundles in the dist/ directory, first.js containing all the code from src/ except files in src/second/ subdirectory and second.js, containing the rest of the code.


  • include (string | string[]; default: '**/*'): A path/glob or an array of paths/globs to combine into a single bundle.
  • exclude (string | string[]; default: undefined): Like include, but files matching this pattern will be split into separate bundles. You can use manualChunks for additional combining rules.
  • fileName (string; default 'rollup-plugin-entry-glob:single-entry'): A name for the final bundle.
  • exports (boolean; default: true): Weather the final bundle should export anything.