
This is a tagger program for a specific tagging task.


  • SeikaNLP version 0.2.0 or later


Clone/download the git repository of this software.

Set seikanlp path to PYTHONPATH

$ export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/seikanlp/src

Files and Directories

+-- data             ... directory to place input data
+-- log              ... directory to export log files
+-- models           ... directory to export/place model files
|  +-- main          ... directory to export model files
+-- src              ... source code directory

Available Tasks

Semantic attribute annotation

  • Token attribute annotation by rule-based model
    • Given a sequence of tokens (sentence), the model assigns a token-level label (attribute)
      to each token by outputting a most frequent occurred label of each token.

      $ python src/ [--options]

Descriptions of options are shown by executing src/ with --help/-h option.


Copyright (c) 2019, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
Released under the MIT license


Shohei Higashiyama
National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT), Seika-cho, Kyoto, Japan
shohei.higashiyama [at]