ELC Coding Test

The ELC Brand Theming Coding Test is a way for you to demonstrate your strong UX and design sensibilities, while following pixel-perfect design specifications. PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS BELOW BEFORE STARTING.

The Task

You have been provided the below link to the desktop and mobile designs for a Clinique Single Product Page:


NOTE: To access this link, you must create a free Figma account, or use an existing Google account.

Your task is to use HTML/CSS/SCSS, including the BEM (Block Element Modifier) methodology (https://en.bem.info/methodology/), to translate these specs into a pixel-perfext UI.

Specifically, you are styling all of the following React components found in the starter code:

  • src/Product.js
  • src/ProductImage.js
  • src/ProductPurchase.js
  • src/ProductDesc.js

DO NOT STYLE OR MAKE ANY EDITS TO THE MENU. The navigation menu (src/Menu.js) has already been styled and is not included in the test.

Additional Notes:

  • THIS IS NOT A REACT/JAVASCRIPT CODING TEST. You should only need to use HTML/CSS/SCSS to accomplish this task.
  • In the Figma design, click on Code and then CSS, (in the top right of the page) to view the pixel dimensions for all elements.
  • Feel free to add additional DOM elements as needed.
  • All styles should be added to src/styles/product.scss, but feel free to create additional scss files as necessary.
  • All font files have been included under src/fonts and can be found in src/styles/fonts.scss. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER FONTS.
  • All necessary images and icons have been provided in the src/images folder. Feel free to re-export any images from Figma, but please use HTML/CSS/SCSS to style everything else.
  • Please make sure your submission is responsive. DO NOT build a separate mobile and desktop version.
  • Remember to use BEM!

Getting Started


  • NodeJS >= 8.10
  • Yarn

Step 1 - Node Modules

The first thing you need to do to get this app working is to install the node modules with the following command:


Step 2 - Running the App

After installing the Node modules, you can run the app in development mode with this command:

yarn start

Open http://localhost:3000 to view the product page in the browser.

Additional Submission Guidelines

  • Please DELETE the node_modules folder prior to sending your code for review
  • If any additional commands are necessary to run your code, please make sure this is documented