Script for adding Spotify playlists to Apple Music....
Try something like:
python3 -s US -c JP --auto -p spotify:user:121157076:playlist:58vO2KZUGQnB0OUmhiiBKA
You can get fine playlists from Hint - right click green Play button and select Copy Link Address
- Process Spotify playlist and save necessary info as csv
- Search iTunes, find and select best match
- Add selected track to Apple Music (iTunes). Repeat 2)
- Create XML for importing playlist into iTunes Library
Inspired by spotify2am.
Depends on methods in
Requires you to intercept iTunes cookie as best described here. Personally I am using mitmproxy for this - better and free - instead of Charles Proxy.
After intercepting iTunes traffic you have to edit headers.conf and change X-Dsid, X-Guid and Cookie. IT WON"T WORK OTHERWISE.
- Uses matching algorithm of my own design based on lexical proximity (of title, artist, album) and time proximity of release dates
- Selecting matching tracks is either automatic or user chooses best match manually from candidates
- Matching conditions are flexible - good matches pass automatically, dubious matches are left to user decision
- You can search and add tracks in any country (technically iTunes storefront)
- Flexible delay mechanism dealing with 403 error (Too many requests) when searching iTunes and adding tracks
- Builds XML playlist for importing into iTunes
- Honors Spotify playlist title and comments
- Everything in one script - retrieving Spotify info, matching with Apple Music, adding tracks, building playlist XML
- Pretty detailed logging - educational if you fancy looking into logs
usage: [-h] [-p PLAYLIST] [-q] [-s SEARCH_STORE] [-c COUNTRY_STORE]
[--csv] [--xml] [--am] [-e ERROR] [-a] [-t TRESHOLD]
[-d DELAY]
Tool for adding Spotify playlists to Apple Music. 1) Process Spotify playlist
and save necessary info as csv 2) Search iTunes, find and select best match 3)
Add selected track to Apple Music (iTunes) 4) Create XML for importing
playlist to iTunes Library
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PLAYLIST, --playlist PLAYLIST
Spotify playlist to start with [Spotify id] (default:
-q, --quiet Cut down noise in screen output and logging (default:
-s SEARCH_STORE, --search_store SEARCH_STORE
iTunes store front [country] used for searching
(default: US)
iTunes store front [country] used for adding tracks
(default: JP)
--csv If False don't save Spotify playlist as csv. You need
this csv so it only makes sense if you process same
playlist for a second time. (default: True)
--xml If False don't create XML with iTunes playlist
(default: True)
--am If False skip adding tracks to iTunes (default: True)
-e ERROR, --error ERROR
Error margin. Time-lexical distance between tracks to
be considered insignificant. This should be rather
small because even if --auto option (see --auto) is
False very close tracks will be still selected without
asking user. (default: 0.11)
-a, --auto If True accept best matching tracks without user
intervention even if they at certain time-lexical
distance (see --threshold). Time-lexical = similar
title, artist, album and close release dates.
(default: False)
-t TRESHOLD, --treshold TRESHOLD
Maximum distance for best match to be accepted
automatically without asking user [0.0 - 1.0]. High
value will let pass many false positives however you
may need higher values if searching iTunes generates
results that are consistently far from Spotify tracks.
It deepend a lot on storefront (country) used for
searching tracks. For example in Japanese store artist
name and album tittle even for Western albums could be
often in Japanese script and obviously they poorly
match to Spotify tracks in English. 'Deluxe Edition',
'Remastered', 'Remix', 'featuring' - titles ain't
identical. Sometimes it is local name, different
romanization etc. Experiment. Read logs. Optimal
treshold may differ between playlists and music
genres. (default: 0.4)
-d DELAY, --delay DELAY
Delay in seconds between requests to iTunes to avoid
403 error - Too many requests. Longer delays make
execution painful but with large playlist you might
need 30 seconds delay. (default: 30)
- It takes time even for medium length playlists. There is a delay after adding each track to Apple Music to avoid being banned due to too many requests.
- Give iTunes time - iTunes work asynchronously based on queues, it takes time to update local Library and process new additions.
- Wait a little before importing playlist from XML, import works better if tracks have been already processed and downloaded by iTunes
- In a playlist set view to Songs and add column with iCloud status. It helps to see what is going on.
- If a playlist is marked with crossed cloud be patient, iTunes will mark it as OK once it processes all tracks.
- If you get into trouble with tracks No Longer Available, Error try again. Run again on the same playlist. Remove playlist and add again. Etc.
- Some pretty obvious tracks cannot be found (it is mostly technicality as they are not marked as isStreamable) I am working on it.
- Watch in logs for error 403 - Too many requests.
I have tested only under python 3
There could be still some errors handling various edge cases (like no connection, proxy, some weird chars etc.) resulting in crashes. Please let me know on Issues.
This is library with methods used by (and some my other scripts).
Try my itunes.vim plugin.
Got tired of finding functional names for my scripts.
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