Todo App - Backend TGH Tech

API Documentation link :
Locally running video link :

1. User Authentication

Authentication using JWT Token


User Registration by creating the jwt token using jsonwebtoken
URL example: http://localhost:3000/register


User Login using the registered details and creating jwt token
URL example: http://localhost:3000/login

2. Todo Tasks

Operations of todo Tasks with mongoDB Atlas and mongoose

Create Task

Create a task with priority
URL example: http://localhost:3000/643681193b2b1d540f8558ff/createTodo

List Todo tasks

List the todo tasks according to priority and created date

await todoModel.find({ userId, userId })
.sort({ priority: 1, createdAt: -1 });

URL example: http://localhost:3000/643681193b2b1d540f8558ff/

Mark Complete

Mark the todo tasks completed

await todoModel.updateOne({ _id: todoId, userId: userId },
{ $set: { status: "completed" } } );

Cancel Task

Cancel the particular todo task

await todoModel.updateOne({ _id: todoId, userId: userId },
{ $set: { status: "cancelled" } } );

Delete Task

Delete a particular todo task

await todoModel.deleteOne({ _id: todoId });