
Community managed domain list. Generate geosite.dat .

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Domain list community

This project manages a list of domain.



CDN domain list from ruleset.skk.moe.


List anti-ad-domains.txt from privacy-protection-tools/anti-AD.


List reject.txt from ruleset.skk.moe.


List of common domains for streaming unblocking services. from a certain unlocking service provider.

Check whether you have a valid corresponding unlocking service before use


List from personal clash rule.


List from personal clash rule. Recommended outside Japan.


Domain list of some emby servers.


+ offcloud.com


Rules from MetaCubeX/meta-rules-dat Can find original list in geosite:cn-bak



include : geosite:anti-ad geosite:category-ads-all

geosite:skk-reject addblocker(personal clash rule)

geosite:dns-unlock streaming unblock

geosite:normal-proxy PROXY

geosite:nojp-proxy addproxy

geosite:emby-s emby servers

geosite:user-Mobilegame Mobile game(Almost JP)

geosite:user-PCgame PC game

Generate geosite.dat manually

  • Install golang and git
  • Clone project code
  • Navigate to project root directory: cd domain-list-community
  • Install project dependencies: go mod download
  • Generate geosite.dat (without datapath option means to use domain lists in data directory of current working directory):
    • go run ./
    • go run ./ --datapath=/path/to/your/custom/data/directory

Run go run ./ --help for more usage information.

Structure of data

All data are under data directory. Each file in the directory represents a sub-list of domains, named by the file name. File content is in the following format.

# comments
domain:google.com @attr1 @attr2


The following types of rules are NOT fully compatible with the ones that defined by user in V2Ray config file. Do Not copy and paste directly.

  • Comment begins with #. It may begin anywhere in the file. The content in the line after # is treated as comment and ignored in production.
  • Inclusion begins with include:, followed by the file name of an existing file in the same directory.
  • Subdomain begins with domain:, followed by a valid domain name. The prefix domain: may be omitted.
  • Keyword begins with keyword:, followed by a string.
  • Regular expression begins with regexp:, followed by a valid regular expression (per Golang's standard).
  • Full domain begins with full:, followed by a complete and valid domain name.
  • Domains (including domain, keyword, regexp and full) may have one or more attributes. Each attribute begins with @ and followed by the name of the attribute.

How it works

The entire data directory will be built into an external geosite file for Project V. Each file in the directory represents a section in the generated file.

To generate a section:

  1. Remove all the comments in the file.
  2. Replace include: lines with the actual content of the file.
  3. Omit all empty lines.
  4. Generate each domain: line into a sub-domain routing rule.
  5. Generate each keyword: line into a plain domain routing rule.
  6. Generate each regexp: line into a regex domain routing rule.
  7. Generate each full: line into a full domain routing rule.

How to organize domains

File name

Theoretically any string can be used as the name, as long as it is a valid file name. In practice, we prefer names for determinic group of domains, such as the owner (usually a company name) of the domains, e.g., "google", "netflix". Names with unclear scope are generally unrecommended, such as "evil", or "local".


Attribute is useful for sub-group of domains, especially for filtering purpose. For example, the list of google domains may contains its main domains, as well as domains that serve ads. The ads domains may be marked by attribute @ads, and can be used as geosite:google@ads in V2Ray routing.