Graph Embedding/Network Embedding Models

Model category Year
Classical Models MDS 2000
Classical Models IsoMap 2000
Classical Models Laplacian eigenmap 2001
Classical Models LLE 2000
Matrix Factorization Graph factorization 2013
Neural Network DeepWalk 2014
Neural Network LINE 2015

Model detail

Model Author Year Conference Paper
meta path Yizhou Sun 2011 VLDB Meta Path-Based Top-K Similarity Search in Heterogeneous Information Networks
NLP Yoshua Bengio 2013 IEEE TPAMI Representation Learning: A Review and New Perspectives
Word2Vec Tomas Mikolov 2013 Google Efficient Estimation of Word Representations in Vector Space
Negative Sampling Tomas Mikolov 2013 NIPS Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality
DeepWalk Bryan Perozzi 2014 KDD DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations
LINE Jian Tang 2015 WWW LINE: Large-scale Information Network Embedding
node2vec Aditya Grove 2016 KDD node2vec: Scalable Feature Learning for Networks


Language Network Social Network Citation Nerwork
Name Wikipedia Flickr Youtube BlogCatalog DBLP