
Data used for IndiaSpend's patents articles, Jan 2016

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Dataset For IndiaSpend Patent Articles

This is a repo for two IndiaSpend articles I'd written on Indian patents. The articles Nobel Laureates Spotlight India’s Invention Problem and Patent Delays Threaten "Make In India" were published on January 11, 2016 and January 12, 2016, respectively.

If all you want is the data, complete_data_set.csv is the file to download. (The files in the data_for_copy_graphics folder has the CSVs used to generate graphics for the IndiaSpend article.)

Should warn you that complete_data_set.csv is a little heavy at 67 MB. It's got data on all patents granted in India from Jan 1, 2005 to Dec 15, 2015.

Most of the column labels in complete_data_set.csv are self-explanatory, but some of them are my own, so thought I'd explain them in case it gets a little confusing.

years_gap_bw_app_grant stands for the no. of years between the application date of a patent and the date it was finally granted. Used this to find out the average approval time for a patent application.

inventor_Indian column has TRUE/FALSE values based on whether the search string "nationality: IN" is found in the respective cell of the inventor_unparsed column. This is how I found whether an inventor is Indian or not. Same goes for the applicant_Indian column.

inventor.address.1st has the addresses of the inventors who got first mention in the respective cell of the inventor.address.actual column, in case there's more than one inventor. This column's useful for finding out which CSIR & DRDO labs were responsible for most of their parent organisation's patents.

applicant.name.1st has the name of the inventor who gets first mention in the respective cell of the applicant.name.actual column. This column was used to find out which organisation had the most patents granted to Indian inventors.

(Disclaimer: The information here is being provided in the interest of transparency. It cannot be treated as official IndiaSpend content.)