
This test suite measures the people tracker runtime from the open-source library Point Cloud Library (PCL). It captures and visualizes the runtime and the runtime's dependency on certain calibration values.

Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

PCL People-Tracker Timing Test

This repository contains a test suite to evaluate the execution time behaviour of PCL's people library. The primary intention of this test suite is to measure the impact of certain parameters on both the execution time and accuracy of results. These findings are determined to estimate behaviour in peak-load conditions, which is a common issue to real-time image processing.

Test Suite Setup

To run the test suit, following files and folders must be present in your test directory. Files and folders written in italic must be labeled as given below.

  • your_point_cloud_stream.bag
  • ReferFiles
  • TestConfig.txt
  • TestExe
  • your_SVM_input_for_people_detection.yaml

This file contains your image stream in ROS's .bag file format. It must provide point-cloud image data of sensor_msgs/PointCloud2.msg type.

This folder accommodates plain text files referred to as reference files that contain ground truth data of people in associated bag files. These files may be designated arbitrarily. Following format applies to these files:

Frame_Count 3
Frame_Number 1
X_1 Z_1
X_2 Z_2
Frame_Number 2
X_1 Z_1
X_2 Z_2
X_3 Z_3

The first line indicates the total number of frames. The following lines provide the gound coordinates with regard to the camera position. Each line after a Frame_Number counter represents the position of a person.

This file provides configurable settings. A sample is in the /res folder of this repository. Following parameters must be set.

topic :
This parameter defines the topic name that identifies the pointcloud stored within the input bag file.

rgb_intrinsics_matrix :
This parameter defines the coefficients of the intrinsic camera matrix that indicate its optical, geometric and digital characteristics.

svm_filename :
This parameter defines the file name needed for the support-vector-machine classifier.

groundCoeffs :
This parameter defines the coefficients of the plane equation needed to detect and remove the ground plane.

maxDeviation :
This parameter defines a threshold in meters that limits the accepted deviation from a position according to the reference file. In case of exceedance, a detected object is not considered a match.

minConfidence :
This parameter defines a threshold for the HOG confidence, i.e., clusters are only considered a match that exhibit a confidence value greater than minConfidence.

This file is the executable of this test suite.

This file provides calibration data needed to recognize human shapes. The /res folder of this repository contains a proven one that is also provided on https://github.com/PointCloudLibrary/pcl/tree/master/people/data.


Please note that a test session can only be executed with root permissions.

Test Execution Manual


./Test_Exe <file_1> <file_2> [parameter list] <policy> <tag>


  • <file_1> name of the .bag file including file extension [mandatory]

  • <file_2> name of reference file including file extension [mandatory]

  • -minh <minimum height> parameter setting the minimum height limit as float [mandatory]

  • -maxh <maximum height> parameter setting the maximum height limit as float [mandatory]

  • -minw <minimum width> parameter setting the minimum width as float [mandatory]

  • -maxw <maximum width> parameter setting the maximum width as float [mandatory]

  • -vs <voxel size> parameter setting the voxel size as float [mandatory]

  • -sf <sampling factor> parameter setting the down sampling factor as float or integer (note: a float value is converted to an integer one by truncating the fractional part) [mandatory]

  • <policy> sets the scheduling policy. You can choose from RR | FIFO | NO_RT [mandatory]

  • <tag> used to tag an output files [optional]

Sample Call

./Test_Exe scene_1.bag ref_scene_1.txt -minc -1.5 -minh 1.3 -maxh 2.3 -minw 0.9 -maxw 1.4 -vs 0.06 -sf 1 RR s1_3

Built-in Error Messages

  • InputFile not found.
    No file found corresponding to <file_1> parameter in the test directory.

  • No reference file found.
    No file found corresponding to <file_2> parameter in the ReferFiles folder of the test directory.

  • Test parameter not set.
    Some of the parameter list items have not been set.

  • Incorrect inputs.
    Test command does not match required pattern.

  • Settings in TestConfig.txt missing.
    Some settings of TestConfig.txt have not been set.

  • No TestConfig.txt found in <path/to/root>.
    There is no TestConfig.txt file in the test directory.

  • Wrong input for scheduling policy. Available options : FIFO | RR | NO_RT
    Wrong parameter assigned to the policy parameter.

  • Failed to set policy.
    Setting of scheduling policy using sched_setscheduler system call failed.

  • mlockall failed
    Locking of the calling process's virtual address space into RAM using mlockall system call failed.

Test Results

After every test run, two files are generated. These files can be found in the Results folder of your test directory. If such a folder does not exist a new one is created.

The first file is the report file. Its name consists of the <file_1> parameter, the file classifier Report, an optional tag and the file extension txt. Given a road_scene.bag input file that was tagged with 1, the associated report file is road_scene_Report_1.txt.
The content of this file exhibits the following structure:

Fri Jun 5 13:32:50 2015
-- Frame : 0
---- Time : 0.261413
---- Cluster : 0
------ B_X : 2.18725
------ B_Y : 0.87723
------ B_Z : 5.28796
------ HOG_C : -1.10829
---- Cluster : 1
------ B_X : 0.404633
------ B_Y : 0.878143
------ B_Z : 5.5867
------ HOG_C : -0.944061

The first line contains the date and time of test execution. The subsequent lines contain the detection results separated by frame count. Each frame includes information about its execution time and clusters that are expected to represent a person. Each person cluster is identified by its bottom position relative to the camera position (according to the right-hand-rule whereas Z points into the scene and Y to the ground) and the confidence value HOG_C that is based on its histogram of oriented gradients (HOG).

The second file associated with a particular test run is the result file. The file's name is subject to the same pattern as the report file. Hence, referring to the example from above the name of the result file would be road_scene_Result_1.txt.
The content of this file exhibits the following structure:

# Fri Jun 5 13:32:50 2015
# --- Parameterlist ---
# minc : -1.5
# minh : 1.3
# maxh : 2.3
# minw : 0.4
# maxw : 1.4
# vs   : 0.06
# sf   : 1
# -- Characteristics --
# meanTime : 1.07173
# stdDevT  : 0.0336307
# minTime  : 1.00204
# maxTime  : 1.15381
# ---- Detection ----
# detRate : 0.944
# maxFaSe : 1
# meanHOG : -1
# ---------------------
0      1.0645    1  0  2   0.72
1      1.1136    3  0  2   0.71
2      1.077     2  0  2   0.67
3      1.0595    0  0  2   0.73

The first line contains the date and time of test execution. The first section Parameterlist outlines all input parameters that characterise this test run. The second section Characteristics lists time-specific classifications, such as the mean execution time of all frames (meanTme), the standard deviation (stdDevT) of the execution time and its minimum (minTime) and maximum (maxTime) peak values.

The subsequent section Detection contains detection-specific results. The detRate value is a ratio of the number of frames where all reference positions (see ReferFiles) have been detected with a specified maximal deviation (see maxDeviation) to the number of all frames of a given stream. The maxFaSeq value is the maximum false sequence, i.e., the longest sequence of frames that did not match their associated references. This figure is of interest in conjunction with detRate since a result can be considered more valuable than another having a smaller maxFaSeq, even if detRate is equal. The meanHOG value is the mean HOG confidence of clusters associated with frames that contribute to the denominator of detRate. This value is a measure for the accuracy of the detection.

The last section contains six columns. The first one indicates the frame count and the second one its associated execution time. The FP column shows the false positive count that indicates the number of spurious object. That is, objects that have a HOG confidence greater than minConfidence but no ground truth reference. The FN column shows the false negative count that indicates the number of referenced objects being not recognized. The MA column shows the number of objects that match a reference of the respective frame. The last column MA_DEV shows a ratio of the mean deviation of matching objects in the respective frame and to the maxDeviation parameter.