A pagination for aspnet core applications. Easily create paginations for your tabular/list data display pages. By default the styling is done assuming that you are using bootstrap. But everything can be overridden and customized.
Install from nuget
Install-Package ExicoPaginationCore -Version 1.0.0
In your Startup.cs add the pagination
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddExicoCorePagination(); }
Now import the namespace in your _ViewImports.cshtml by adding this following line
@using ExicoPaginationCore
Then in your view file use this extension method to render pagination
This method takes three parameters i.e.
@Html.RenderPagination((int)ViewBag.TotalCount, (int)ViewBag.ItemsPerPage, config)
Total result count
Items per page
And lastly IPagingConfig instance
Note that, IPagingConfig can be injected and directly used (as the example above is using)
@inject IPagingConfig config
This config object is an instance of the DefaultPaginationConfig (uses bootstrap 4).
You can also create and object of DefaultPaginationConfig , customize it and pass it as param.
@Html.RenderPagination((int)ViewBag.TotalCount,(int)ViewBag.ItemsPerPage, new DefaultPaginationConfig() { HideNextOnLastPage = true, HidePrevOnFirstPage = true });
or you can create an entirely new implementation of IPagingConfig and replace the default service registration.
There is a fully working demo project included , check it out TestApplication.csproj !