
Code for scraping political ads off Twitter.

Primary LanguagePython


Code Descriptions


  • Finds all the users with political ads and their information.
  • Gets all the tweets for given users, along with the the tweet id and other related info.
  • List of potential users to search in congress.csv or TwitterHandles.csv.
  • Stores all the screennames of the users as folder names.
  • Stores the file as Tweets.json


  • Crawls all the folders created by GetTwitterUserPolAds.py.
  • Uses the tweetIDs to get the metadata of all the ads (spend, impression, etc.).
  • Stores the file as TweetMetadata.json.


  • Crawls all the folders created.
  • Uses the tweetIDs to get the ad contents (text, image, etc.).

Instructions to run the files

  • Install the requirements in a virtualenv.
  • Set up a config file with the required information.
  • Run the files in the following order:
    • GetTwitterUserPolAds.py
    • GetTweetsMetadata.py
    • GetTweetsContent.py