
create gists quickly and easily

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Node Gist

  • If you really want to use this, fork this project, get a OAuth2 Access Token with the Gist scope enabled (sarogist is linked as an example to do so).

  • Edit the top of the index.js file on your forked repo and set the const accessToken = "" appropriately.

  • In your package.json for your project, require your forked repo.For example, to require this one: "snekgist": "shikhir-arora/node-gist" sooo... "snekgist": "your-github-username/node-gist" --> see? let's keep it basic here!

  • Use as normal. The default behavior is Gist's are set to private (secret) as they likely should be.

...yes, this was just intended to be used with karma-simple or some of my projects, so I didn't go through any effort to send your access token, and instead require you to fork and edit this. Ah well, there have been harder things in life, I'd hope! 🙃

const gist = require('snekgist');

gist('hello').then(res => {