
A collection of small chat enhancement addons for vanilla World of Warcraft (WoW 1.12)

Primary LanguageLuaThe UnlicenseUnlicense


A collection of chat enhancement addons for vanilla World of Warcraft (WoW 1.12). Learn about all the features at the project website.


  1. Copy all the ChatSuey folders into your WoW Interface\AddOns directory.
  2. If WoW is currently running, exit completely out and restart it.
  3. Enable/disable desired addons at the character select screen ("EditOnTop" and "RemoveButtons" are disabled by default).

NOTE: If you're upgrading from an earlier version, delete all the ChatSuey folders from your Interface\AddOns directory before copying the new ones over.


ChatSuey is currently localized for the following languages/game clients:

  • English (enUS)
  • French (frFR)
  • Simplified Chinese (zhCN)

HUGE THANK YOU to @eloib for providing the French/Simplified Chinese translations!

If you're multi-lingual and would be willing to contribute another localization for ChatSuey, I would greatly appreciate your help! The following addons have text that needs to be translated:

  • ChatSuey
  • ChatSuey-FontSettings
  • ChatSuey-MiniChannels
  • ChatSuey-Timestamps
  • ChatSuey-WebLinks

Let me know you're interested by opening an issue or pull request on GitHub, and take a look at each addon's i18n\enUS.lua file to get a sense of what translations are needed.