
An android application that visualize various algorithms and solves your doubt related to alorithms

Primary LanguageJava

Algorithm Visualizer and Doubt Solver

Play Store Link

Algorithm visualizer is a java based android application which is used to visualize various types of algorithms like quick sort , merge sort , insertion sort , selection sort , bubble sort, binary search , linear search etc. It will create a random array and draw the lines according to the size of the elements. As the algorithm executes it will color the comparison lines so that , user can see which comparison is going on . Also it colors the swapped lines so that swapping also can be visualized . Coloring all these steps will give us the brief idea about sorting and searching is done according to the algorithm

Algorithms visualized are as follows :

1. Binary Search
2. Linear Search
3. Quick Sort
4. Merge Sort
5. Selection Sort
6. Insertion Sort
7. Bubble Sort

System Requirements

** Android 4.4 and above