
This repository will be used for Python Scripts for Hacktoberfest 2021

Primary LanguagePython


This repository will be used for Python Scripts during Hacktoberfest 2021

Hacktoberfest 2020

Guidelines for contribution:

  1. Before contributing, make sure you have a GitHub acoount with a proper knowledge of Git or Github. Also follow the guidelines of Hacktoberfest 2020

  2. Since, this repository is used for writing Python Scripts, you are advised to upload your codes in Python language.

  3. Please make sure your files are shared in .py extension; JuPyter Notebooks (.ipynb) are also encouraged. If you want your pull requests to be merged, please don't share your files with any other extension.

  4. If you want you can create a pull request by sharing your repository or your own project.

  5. Although this repository is beginner-friendly, plagiarism will not be encouraged, you are advised to upload your clean codes.

  6. Pull requests will be labelled invalid if anyone is found to do this:

    a) edit the README.md or any other markdown file (if available).

    b) adding or removing one or more than one words or any punctuation mark from a file/code which are irrevalant to the open source.

    c) Pull requests created in any other repository which is not for Hacktoberfest 2020 or any other collaboration.

In short, if you want your pull requests to be merged, here are the rules updated by DigitalOcean on the 2020 edition of Hacktoberfest in the form of a Pseudocode :


For any other problem/query, please mail to neelesh365@gmail.com or neelesh.ece30@gmail.com or you can drop a message on my LinkedIn or Instagram Profile.