
this xml2json plugin can be used in es2015 and higher module system

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


XML2JSON for ES2015 Module (Not CommonJS Module)


Not Upload to NPM right now, you can get xml2json by git clone


import xml2json from './kit/xml2json'; //Not push xml2json to NPM now,so you can use relative or absolute path

//parse your xml string here
function parseToJSON(xml){
    return xml2json.toJSON(xmlContent);

//parse your json to XML Object here
function parseToXML(json){
    return xml2json.toXML(test2);

//parse your xml string to really XML Object
function getOriginXML(xmlString){
    return xml2json.getXmlObject(xmlContent)

//simulate ajax XML file and parse data
function ajaxData(){
        //parse data
        var xmlContent = success.data
        var xmlObject = getOriginXML(xmlContent);
        var json = parseToJSON(xmlContent);
        var parsedXML = parseToXML(json);
        //handle error

JSON Format

if you invoke xml2json.toJSON(xmlstring), the return JSON Format Will be like this

        tagName: "Root TagName",
        hasAttr: true | false, //indicate whether there's attributes in current tag
        isParent: true | false, //indicate whether there's child tags in current tag        
        content: "this is content", //show current tag's content, it's contains arrow tag if it's not leaf node (just child node,without own children) 
        attr: { //show current tag's attributes set, it's just like <Example attr1="attr1's val" attr2="attr2's val"></Example>, if there's no attr, the attr attrbutes will be a empty object;
            attr1: "attr1's val",
            attr2: "attr2's val"
        children: [ //it's same struture.if some child without own children, it's will don't own children key, and the isParent will be set to false


The xml2json plugin is used in es2015 module, write with es2015 syntax, may not suit for CommonJS module.

If it can help to you, please give me a star, Thanks a lot! :P
