
Routing and navigation for your Vue SPA. Vue 单页应用导航管理器

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version

English | 简体中文

A Vue SPA navigation manager,cache the UI in the SPA like a native application, rather than destroy it.



demo code


  • 🐉expanded on vue-router, the original navigation logic remains unchanged
  • ⚽When a page is re-rendered as a push or forward, the newly rendered page will be added to the Stack.
  • 🏆back or go (negative) will not be re-rendered. Reading the previous page from the Stack,and will preserve the previous content state, such as the form content, the position of the scroll bar
  • 🏈back or go (negative) will remove unused pages from the Stack
  • 🎓replace will update the current page in the stack
  • 🎉activited hook function triggers when rolling back to the previous page
  • 🚀support for browser back, forward events
  • 🍕support for changes in response routing parameters, such as navigating from /user/foo to /user/bar, component instances are reused
  • 🐰provides routing direction changes, add different animations when entering or leaving

Installation and use


npm install vue-page-stack
# OR
yarn add vue-page-stack


import Vue from 'vue'
import VuePageStack from 'vue-page-stack';

// vue-router is necessary
Vue.use(VuePageStack, { router }); 
// App.vue
  <div id="app">
      <router-view ></router-view>


<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue-page-stack/dist/vue-page-stack.js"></script>
Vue.use(VuePageStack.default, { router });



use Vue.use to install vue-page-stack

Vue.use(VuePageStack, options);
// example
Vue.use(VuePageStack, { router });

Options description:

Attribute Description Type Accepted Values Default
router vue-router instance Object vue-router instance -
name VuePageStack name String 'VuePageStack' 'VuePageStack'
keyName stack-key name String 'stack-key' 'stack-key'

you can customize VuePageStack's name and keyName

Vue.use(VuePageStack, { router, name: 'VuePageStack', keyName: 'stack-key' });

forward or backward

If you want to make some animate entering or leaving, vue-page-stack offers stack-key-dir to judge forward or backward.

// App.vue
$route(to, from) {
  if (to.params['stack-key-dir'] === 'forward') {
    this.transitionName = 'forward';
  } else {
    this.transitionName = 'back';




Why is the parameter keyName added to the route? To support the browser's backward and forward events,this is important in webApp or wechat.


Getting the current page instance refers to the keep-alive section of Vue.


The plug-in draws on both vue-navigation and vue-nav,Thank you very much for their inspiration.