
Table of contents addon for Storybook Docs

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Storybook Docs Table of contents addon

Table of contents addon for Storybook Docs.

Get auto generated list of links next to your content.

It uses tocbot under the hood.


npm i -D storybook-docs-toc

Be aware that styled-components is a peer dependency.


Take a look at this Storybook as demo

Add this to your preview.js file

- import { DocsContainer } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
+ import { withTableOfContents } from 'storybook-docs-toc';

- addParameters({
-    docs: {
-        container: DocsContainer,
-    },

+ addParameters(withTableOfContents());

or if you need more flexibility

+ import React from 'react';
- import { DocsContainer } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
+ import { BackToTop, TableOfContents } from 'storybook-docs-toc';

export const parameters = {
    docs: {
-        container: DocsContainer,
+        container: ({ children, ...rest }) => (
+            <React.Fragment>
+                <DocsContainer {...rest}>
+                    <TableOfContents className="sbdocs sbdocs-toc--custom" />
+                    {children}
+                    <BackToTop className="sbdocs sbdocs-top--custom" />
+                </DocsContainer>
+            </React.Fragment>
+        ),


You can override the default selectors for tocbot via the config prop on DocsContainerHOC or TableOfContents. These also take a custom title.


Some CSS custom properties are available to customize the styles of the table of contents, and the back to top button.

.sbdocs.sbdocs-toc--custom {
  --toc-color: #202020;
  --toc-background: #fff;
  --toc-indicator-color: #efefef;
  --toc-indicator-color--active: #fbd476;

.sbdocs.sbdocs-top--custom {
  --toc-button-color: #66bf3cff;
  --toc-button-color--hover: #66bf3ccc;
  --toc-button-color--active: #66bf3caa;
  --toc-button-background: #e7fdd8ff;
  --toc-button-background--hover: #e7fdd8cc;
  --toc-button-background--active: #e7fdd8aa;