
Frontend Mentor challenge using HTML and CSS.

Primary LanguageHTML


Frontend Mentor - Testimonials grid section solution This is a solution to the Testimonials grid section challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

The designs were created to the following widths:

  • Mobile: 375px
  • Desktop: 1440px


Links: Solution URL: https://www.frontendmentor.io/challenges/testimonials-grid-section-Nnw6J7Un7/hub/testimonials-section-Hy7yTTVV5 Live Site URL: https://shiloh-byte.github.io/Testimonials-Grid-Section/

My process: Built with- Semantic HTML5 markup CSS custom properties Flexbox CSS Grid

What I learned: Learned more on CSS grid and on making a site more responsive to different screen sizes. Also learned more about how to set up a layout for a site I am developing.

Continued development: Some plans for continous development are to strengthen working with CSS grid and flex-box in a combined way.

Useful resources: Resource 1 -MDN Web Docs (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/).

Author: Frontend Mentor - shiloh-byte Discord - tattooscape#7966