This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.


This simple shopping cart application built with react-redux shows a simple flow of selecting a product , update cart untill checkout.

Current Features

  • Load data from json to view Product List Page
  • View Details and Add to Cart button appear on hover of a product
  • View Details show the details of product in a new page
  • Add to cart will add the product in Cart with a default quantity as 1
  • In View Details page user can specify number of products and can add the same into the cart
  • On click of MY Cart in Header a dropdpown option will bring the user to Cart page
  • In cart Page user can see all the prodcuts added in ProductList page or View Details Page along with thier Quantity , Price and total price of the cart
  • User can perform Add, subtract and remove operations in Cart Page and price and totals will update accordingly
  • User can see cart popuop by click on MY CART ,see products in cart and can remove them
  • User can go to Homepage anytime by click on Home Button on Navbar and to Cart by clicking on View Cart button in cart popup

Bootstrap Application


  • Node.js
  • NPM
/* First, Install the needed packages */
npm install

/* Then start both Node and React */
npm start

/* To run the tests */
npm run test (basic smog test for all components and js)