
Implementation of classic data structures and algorithms

Primary LanguagePythonThe UnlicenseUnlicense


This library provides implementations of classic algorithms and datastructures.


The project is divided into two packages, algorithms and structure. The algorithms package contains implementations of mostly stand alone algorithms while the structure package contains data structures and algorithms that exclusively operates on them.


Here is a list of algorithms under the algorithms package:

In binarySearch.py:

In expression.py:

In problemSolver.py:

In sort.py:


Here is a list of implemented data structures and algorithms that operates on them:

In linkedList.py:

In unionFind.py: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disjoint-set_data_structure

  • Quick Find: Disjoint set implemented with array like data structure. O(1) find.
  • Quick Union: Disjoint set implemented with parent link tree.
  • Balanced Quick Union: Disjoint set implemented with parent link tree and balancing on union. O(log(N)) efficiency for find and union.
  • Path Compression Quick Union: Disjoint set implemented with parent link tree and augmented with path compression.
  • Balanced Path Compression Quick Union: Disjoint set implemented with parent link tree with balancing and path compression. almost amortized O(1) efficiency on find and union.

In symbolTable.py:

In heap.py:

In graph.py:


All of the components are tested. However, they are not tested to rigorous production standards. Data structures such as the linked list and symbolTables have interfaces like the standard python list and dictionary.