
Small script on Python, that allow you to make thumbnails with given parameters

Primary LanguagePython


small script on Python, that allow you to make thumbnails with given parameters


start it with console/bash command like:

for linux:

python3 resize.py w- home/username/pictures -d home/username/thumbnails -px 300 -pf thumb

for windows:

python C:\Python_project\resize.py w- C:\Users\Admin\Documents\Images -d D:\Site\Preview -px 50 -pf -resized


-w Directory with images (if directory contain whitespaces insert it using "")

-d Destination directory (optional, by default script create <current_working_directory-resized> directory)

-px Thumbnail's size (optional, default 150)

-pf Thumbnail's postfix (optional, by default no postfix)