
This app help you to switch words typed on wrong keyboard layout. Works only on Windows Vista and higher (maybe XP, not tested yet).


First dictionary contains string:


Second dictionary contains string:


For other layout you can get this string by just pressing every symbol key on your keyboard starting from upper left side. Then repeat with Shift holded.

App launches via and at first launch generates default options and dictionaries.

How it works:

  1. Start
  2. Type something somewhere on wrong keyboard layout.
  3. Select typed string (for example, using ctrl+A) and press hotkey. By default it is 'Pause'.
  4. Switcher will cut string, convert it to right layout and paste it back. And switch layout.

If you want to make an exe file, use PyInstaller (install it via pip).

For example:

In cmd run "pyinstaller --onefile --clean --windowed". For more information read PyInstaller's documentation.

Or just e-mail me and I will make an exe file for you.