
PoC django multiple type user authentication

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PoC django multiple type user authentication

What I want to do

  • I want to completely separate user model of front-side users and Django Admin users.
  • Both authentication for user types must use Django's standard authentication mechanism.
  • Front-side users have multiple user type, so I want to manage them separately on the Django Admin.



  • Invoke server processes with separated settings.AUTH_USER_MODEL to specify the different user model to be used for authentication on the front-side and the Django Admin.
  • Front-side user types are treated as separate models by Multi Table Inheritance, which inherits the authentication model.


  • Two user models for authentication is: User and FrontUser.
  • User can only login "Django Admin".
  • FrontUser can only login "Front site".
  • FrontUser have two kind of concrete user types as CustomerUser and SupporterUser.
  • CustomerUser can access customer's views.
  • SupporterUser can access supporter's views.


$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python apps/manage.py migrate
$ USER_MODEL=admin python apps/manage.py createsuperuser  # for admin user


$ honcho start

This command invokes 2 django application and 1 dispatcher process as:

At first, you must create "Customer" and "Supporter" users in Django Admin http://localhost:8080/admin/ with using created super user account.



User model table (django default):

CREATE TABLE "auth_user"
    "id"           integer      NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
    "password"     varchar(128) NOT NULL,
    "last_login"   datetime     NULL,
    "is_superuser" bool         NOT NULL,
    "username"     varchar(150) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    "first_name"   varchar(30)  NOT NULL,
    "email"        varchar(254) NOT NULL,
    "is_staff"     bool         NOT NULL,
    "is_active"    bool         NOT NULL,
    "date_joined"  datetime     NOT NULL,
    "last_name"    varchar(150) NOT NULL

FrontUser model table (Base user model for front side):

CREATE TABLE "accounts_frontuser"
    "id"         integer      NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,
    "password"   varchar(128) NOT NULL,
    "last_login" datetime     NULL,
    "email"      varchar(254) NOT NULL UNIQUE,
    "is_active"  bool         NOT NULL

CustomerUser model table (multi-table inheritance):

CREATE TABLE "accounts_customeruser"
    "user_id" integer     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "accounts_frontuser" ("id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
    "tel"     varchar(20) NOT NULL

SupporterUser model table (multi-table inheritance):

CREATE TABLE "accounts_supporteruser"
    "user_id"      integer     NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY REFERENCES "accounts_frontuser" ("id") DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED,
    "organization" varchar(64) NOT NULL