Shimon Balsam

I discussed the exercise with: Lab support.

= README for ex4:

=  Description: =

One program which defines and activates a/multiple game/s of Hangman, from
beginning to end.

The program includes multiple functions:
1. update_word_pattern: recieves a word, a pattern and a letter.
If the letter is in the word, returns an updated pattern including the letter.

2. run_single_game: receives a list of words, chooses a random word
out of the list and runs a game of Hangman, stage by stage.

3. main: receives nothing,continuously runs new games, by player's request.

4.count_in_word: an original function designed to shorten other functions,
by receiving a letter and a word/string and returning a boolean value,
defining if the letter exists in the string or not.

5. filter_words_list: receives a list of words, a pattern
and a list of wrong letters which were already guessed. The function then
returns a new list only containing the words which dit the pattern and don't
include any of the letters within the wrong guesses list.

6. choose_letter: receives a list of words and a pattern and returns
the letter which shows up the most in the list of words but doesn't exist in
the pattern.

Finaly, the program opens the Hangman window, calls upon the previous functions
in order to play the game. Once the player decides to end the game the program
will close the Hangman window.


= Special Comments =

If I would want to play the game using Hebrew letters, I would have to change
condition "if guess[1] not in string.ascii_lowercase", within the function
run_single_game, to a new condition:
"if guess[1] not in string.ascii_uppercase".
Furthermore, within the choose_letter function, instead of the command
range(len(string.ascii_lowercase)) I would just write range(24), and instead
of the command string.ascii_lowercase.index(words[i][j]) I will just write:
