A variety of gizmos I created to make breadboard prototyping quick and easy:
- eeZeeAmp - LM386 circuit, breakout
- eeZee Tiny - a breadboard target / breakout for 8-pin ATtiny chips
- eeZee Medium Tiny - a breadboard target / breakout for 14-pin ATtiny24/44/84
- eeZee Tiny841 - breakout for powerful new ATtiny841
- eeZee Big Tiny - a breadboard target / breakout for 20-pin ATtiny2313/4313
- eeZee Prop - breadboard friendly, low cost Propeller board
- eeZee LED - LED + resistor breakout for breadboard
- eeZee microSD - add an SD card to your breadboard Arduino / AVR
- eeZee Pot
- eeZee Power - small, simple, 5V/3.3V convenient USB breadboard power adapter
- eeZee PowerJack - small, simple 5V breadboard power adapter with 2.1mm jack
- eeZee RGB - WS2812B smart RGB LED breakout
- eeZee Switch - breadboard switch with debounce, pull-up
- eeZee Crystal - clean up your Arduino / AVR breadboard
- eeZee VGA - VGA breadboard adapter for Propeller