This is the repository of electronics and software for Data Bus and Troubled Child, my autonomous ground vehicles.
- Troubled Child is a 1986 Jeep Grand Wagoneer that took 1st place in the 2014 Sparkfun AVC.
- Data Bus is a 1:10 scale RC car that took 3rd place in the 2012 Sparkfun AVC.
The repository contains source code, schematics, board layouts, and documentation. Mostly this is a catch-all for what I worked on in 2010-2014.
- Current Software - updated versions of the mbed software that handles pose estimation, navigation, and path following
- older mbed software that handles pose estimation, navigation, path followingDocumentation/
- various supporting documentsHardware/
- various hardware used in building and calibratingElectronics/
- catch-all of circuit/layout designs varying from experiment to tried and tossed
Some of the electronics are now products on and they have their own repositories, shown below.
- RoverMux tried and true 3 channel R/C Multiplexer
- RoverBaseboard - a baseboard making it easy to hook up servos and sensors to an mbed/LPCXpresso
- RoverGyro - a breakout for low drift MAX21000 gyro (untested)
- RoverPower - high current 5V power supply (untested)
- RoverMeter - I2C-based current monitor (untested)