
Sample codes for parallel pytest with CodeBuild

Primary LanguagePython


This repository contains sample codes for running parallel pytest executions using AWS CodeBuild.

Project Structure

Below is the file tree of the project, outlining its key components:

├── build
│   ├── buildspec_parallel.yaml  # Build specification for parallel execution
│   └── buildspec.yaml           # General build specification
├── README.md                    # (this file)
├── scripts
│   └── run_pytest_selected_part_with_arg_index.py  # Script to run a selected part of pytest files
└── tests
    └── unit
        ├── app
        │   ├── __init__.py
        │   ├── test_001.py
        │   ├── test_002.py
        │   └── test_003.py
        ├── __init__.py
        ├── test_001.py
        ├── test_002.py
        ├── test_003.py
        ├── test_004.py
        ├── test_005.py
        ├── test_006.py
        ├── test_007.py
        ├── test_008.py
        ├── test_009.py
        └── test_010.py

Key Components

  • Build Specifications: Located in the build directory. buildspec_parallel.yaml is specifically used for parallel execution setup.
  • Scripts: Contains run_pytest_selected_part_with_arg_index.py, which is a script to run a designated part of pytest files based on argument index.
  • Pytest Files: Located under tests/unit, these are simple pytest files named test_001.py, test_002.py, etc.

CodeBuild Configuration Example

Source Setup

  • GitHub: Fork this repository and configure your Personal Access Token (PAT) and other settings as needed.
  • Amazon S3: Compress the build, scripts, and tests in one zip file and upload them to your S3 bucket.

Environment Setup

  • Image: Managed Image
  • Compute Type: EC2
  • Image Detail: aws/codebuild/amazonlinux2-x86_64-standard:4.0 (supports Python 3.9)

Additional Configurations

  • Service Role: Configure as required for your setup.
  • Buildspec Name: build/buildspec_parallel.yaml
  • Batch Configuration: Enable
  • CloudWatch Logs: Enable