It is a set of examples and a module with common problems solved. It allows easy development and stable production.
- Run on boot: To make your program run automaticaly on boot with Upsrart(you need to configure a .sh file and a .conf file)
- Auto restart: autoexit module to watch all .js files if they have been changed and to restart nodejs.
- A description of how to make your program crash proof from javascript errors. (segfaults still crash)
- Auto reload a module: makes sense for fast development of slow loading app,
and autoexit.js
to root folder of your application
for example to /var/www
. Copying of autoexit.js
is optional and it can be included from deps folder
require.paths.unshift(__dirname); //make local paths accessible
// exit if any js file or template file is changed.
// it is ok because this script encapsualated in a batch while(true);
// so it runs again after it exits.
var autoexit_watch=require('autoexit').watch;
var on_autoexit=function (filename) { } // if it returns false it means to ignore exit this time;
autoexit_watch(__dirname,".js", on_autoexit);
//autoexit_watch(__dirname+"/templates",".html", on_autoexit);
//your code
Also after serving one sucsessful request (application is fully loaded) I add an on error error handler:
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
console.log('Caught exception: ' + err.stack);
As i like it, I want it to crash on load errors and exit the application but not on application errors.
require.paths.unshift(__dirname); //make local paths accessible
var http = require('http');
var app_loaded=false;
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
process.on('uncaughtException', function (err) {
console.log('Caught exception: ' + err.stack);
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('Hello World\n');
console.log('Server running at');
// exit if any js file or template file is changed.
// it is ok because this script encapsualated in a batch while(true);
// so it runs again after it exits.
var autoexit_watch=require('autoexit').watch;
var on_autoexit=function () { console.log('bye bye'); }
autoexit_watch(__dirname,".js", on_autoexit);
//autoexit_watch(__dirname+"/templates",".html", on_autoexit);
to match to your server.js filename.
cd /var/www
Copy nodejs.conf
to /etc/init/
and modify it to point to
Upstart is originated in Ubuntu linux. if your linux does not have upstart. An option for you migh be to install upstart.
[command] + [init filename without conf extention]
start nodejs
stop nodejs
restrt nodejs
stop nodejs
cd /var/www
Then I will start to see application output and errors on the screen
If I want to stop the server I press Control + C
and the script stops.
note: the output will not bet visible if logging is configured in the output will go to log.
Yes I also use Nginx as front. (but it is not required). I use it to let me in the future to change and integrate different servers seemlessly. It is basicly: nginx<->nodejs as an upstream. also i have added php-cgi to nginx to use +Rock mongo+ - a mongodb db editor. also i've added a log.php , log file viewer so don't even need ssh.
you can put nginx or haproxy as a front and create several .conf files for the upstart.
in each you modify the execution line to contain port number ex.:
in the nodejs1.conf exec sudo -u www-data /bin/bash /var/www/nodejs-mongodb-app/ 8001 in the nodejs2.conf exec sudo -u www-data /bin/bash /var/www/nodejs-mongodb-app/ 8002
and make port as an argument to your server.js. //http.createServer(server_handler_function).listen(process.argv[2]||8001); //see //process.argv.forEach(function (val, index, array) { // console.log(index + ': ' + val); //});
To achive best performance. it was found by testing (during development of twisted and nginx) that the number of processors should much the number of cores not more not lest.
the idea is to add an extra level of fail-safety by using a stable system shell script to restart node instead of node itself.