Dashboard | Flow |
Prefect Core is a new kind of workflow management system that makes it easy to take your data pipelines and add semantics like retries, logging, dynamic mapping, caching, failure notifications, and more.
- Python 3.8 or higher
- Prefect
- Docker Desktop
- docker
- docker-compose
ps 監視
up 起動
recreate 再建
setup 初回
restart 再起
shell 接続
logs 記録
follow 追跡
open 閲覧
hide 秘匿
reveal 暴露
build 構築
test 試験
doc 文書
deploy 配備
stop 停止
down 削除
clean 掃除
prune 破滅
help 助言
(T. B. D.)
(T. B. D.)
(T. B. D.)
(T. B. D.)
(T. B. D.)
(T. B. D.)
(T. B. D.)
cz changelog
This repository is Commitizen friendly.