Welcome to Cheritea! If you have a passion for milk tea and a love for unique flavors, you've come to the right place. Cheritea allows users to explore and order delightful tea creations, complete with distinctive flavors and toppings. Even better, users can modify or cancel their orders seamlessly. Indulge in the world of cheritea, where every sip is a new experience.
Check out the live version of Cheritea here. Experience the joy of selecting and customizing your perfect cup of tea right from your browser.
Backend: Python, Flask
Database: PostgreSQL
Frontend: React, Redux
Cloud Services: AWS (Amazon Web Services)
1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning this repository, focusing on the main branch.
2. Install Dependencies: Run the following command to install the required dependencies:
pipenv install -r requirements.txt
3. Configuration: Create an .env file based on the example provided, ensuring proper settings for your development environment.
4. Database Connection: Confirm that the SQLite3 database connection URL is correctly configured in the .env file.
5. Schema Setup: Organize all tables within the flask_schema schema. Adjust the value for the SCHEMA environment variable, following the snake_case convention.
6. Database Setup and Flask App: Within your pipenv, execute the following commands to migrate your database, seed it, and run your Flask app:
pipenv shell
flask db upgrade
flask seed all
flask run
7. React App Setup: To run the React App in development, refer to the README inside the react-app directory.
Explore the magic behind Cheritea with the following technologies:
Render.com: Hosting platform for the live version
Visual Studio Code: IDE for development
Python: Backend language
CSS: Styling for a visually appealing interface
PostgreSQL: Database for storing tea delights
React / Redux: Frontend for an interactive user experience
AWS: Cloud services enhancing accessibility
Start your Cheritea journey today! 🌟