
legal hold and policy management and retention

Primary LanguageJavaScript


In a command line type: npm install -g yo grunt grunt-cli bower bower install npm install grunt

If 'grunt' does not work then try again 'bower install & npm install'


This project is generated with yo angular generator version 0.11.0.

Build & development

Run grunt for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running grunt test will run the unit tests with karma.


Run the 'grunt build' command to generate the dist version of the current under development code. If you get an error related to the images you will need to copy the images to a directory outside of the project and copy those images back to the project after the build process. The images should be copied to the dist version too (build result).

The result of this build will be located in the dist/ directory.

If you need to deploy this project to Tomcat you can copy the dist/ directory (if you want you can rename it) to the webapps/ directory under the Tomcat installation

