
Use Doctrine entities as GraphQL types

Primary LanguagePHP

Doctrine GraphQL Mapper

Builds GraphQL types out of doctrine entities

WARNING: This repo is not stable yet. Please use at your own risk


$> curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$> php composer.phar require rahuljayaraman/doctrine-graphql


PHP >=5.4


The mapper builds GraphQL types out of doctrine entities. It's built on top of webonyx/graphql-php and maps doctrine entities to an ObjectType graph at runtime.

Here's an example. Consider the following schema

└───Company (getCompanies)
└───User (getUser)

We can extract the type for Employee by using


Associations are recursively extracted as well. So $employee->getCompanies() would return ListOf Type Company & $employee->getUser() would return Type User

NOTE: This library is not responsible for any of your GraphQL setup like setting up routes, root nodes etc.




Setup accepts 3 args. Doctrine's EntityManager, a setter method & a getter method to a type store (a data structure which stores types).

//Setup code, I use this in a laravel service provider
use RahulJayaraman\DoctrineGraphQL\Mapper;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;

    function ($typeName, $type) {
        Cache::add($type, $typeName);
    function ($typeName) {
        return Cache::get($typeName);

Cache above could be replaced by any store. Eg. using Folkloreatelier/laravel-graphql's store

use Folklore\GraphQL\Support\Facades\GraphQL;

    function ($typeName, $type) {
        GraphQL::addType($type, $typeName);
    function ($typeName) {
        return GraphQL::type($typeName);

Extract type

To extract the type


We could place it here if using with Folkloreatelier/laravel-graphql.

public function type()
   return Mapper::extractType(Entity::class);

Default resolver

For now, given a field name, say fieldName, the mapper will look for a getFieldName getter method on the entity. There are plans to allow customization here.

Register additional fields

For registering additional fields, on can use the RegisterField annotation.

RegisterField accepts name, type and args.

name accepts a string.

type accepts either an internal type or any of the extracted entities.

args accepts an array of tuples in the form of {{string, type}}

Here's an example

use RahulJayaraman\DoctrineGraphQL\Annotations\RegisterField;

 * getEmployee
 * @RegisterField(name="CustomName" type="Employee", args={{"slug", "string"}})
public function getEmployee($slug)
    return ...

Blacklist fields

Fields can be blacklisted using the BlacklistField annotation. Here's an example.

use RahulJayaraman\DoctrineGraphQL\Annotations\BlacklistField;

 * @var string
 * @ORM\Column(type="string")
 * @BlacklistField()
private $password;

Complementary Tools