Save With Status!

This is our entry to the hackathon!

Save With Status allows you to interact with WeTrust ROSCA-like Trusted Lending Circles with your friends. Start chatting to the bot to create a Circle, then share the address with your friends to let them get involved :)

Getting it running

Do the usual, enable debugging mode in the app.

Do npm install.

Serve the bot file with truffle serve.

Add the dapp to your list of Status contacts with something like this:

adb reverse tcp:3000 tcp:3000
status-dev-cli add '{"whisper-identity": "save-with-status",  "name": "SaveWithStatus", "bot-url": "http://<MY_LOCAL_IP>:8080/bot/bot.js"}'

Be sure to swap out MY_LOCAL_IP for your own ;)