#Ordering tasking

  • ###/products
  1. return 201 when POST product
    estimate: 3 min

  2. create product with parameters and find product by product id
    e: 20 min

  3. return 201 when POST product with parameters
    e: 5 min

  4. return 400 when POST product with invalid parameters
    e: 8 min
    4: 11 min

  5. return url in location when POST product with parameters e: 5 min

  6. return 200 when GET products
    e: 3 min

  7. find all products
    e: 8 min

  8. return a list of product json when GET products
    e: 5 min

  • ###/products/{productId}
  1. return product json when GET product by product id
    e: 10 min

  2. return 404 when GET product by product id fails
    e: 3 min

  • ###/users
  1. return 201 when POST user
    e: 5 min

  2. create user with parameters and find user by user id
    e: 15 min

  3. return 201 when POST user with parameters
    e: 5 min

  4. return url in location when POST user with parameters e: 5 min

  5. return 400 when POST user with invalid parameters
    e: 8 min

  • ###/users/{userId}
  1. return user json when GET user by user id
    e: 10 min

  2. return 404 when GET by user id not found
    e: 5 min

  • ###/users/{userId}/orders
  1. return 201 when POST order
    e: 3 min

  2. create order without orderItems and find by user id and order id
    e: 20 min

  3. create order with orderItems and find by user id and order id
    e: 15 min

  4. return 201 when POST order with parameters
    e: 8 min

  5. return url in location when POST order with parameters e: 5 min

  6. return 400 when POST order with invalid parameters
    e: 8 min

  7. return 200 when GET orders
    e: 3 min

  8. find all orders
    e: 5 min

  9. return a list of order json when GET orders
    e: 10 min

  • ###/users/{userId}/orders/{orderId}
  1. return order json when GET order by user id and order id
    e: 10 min

  2. return 404 when GET order by user id and order id fails
    e: 3 min

  • ###/users/{userId}/orders/{orderId}/payment
  1. return 201 when POST payment
    e: 3 min

  2. create payment with parameters and find payment by order id
    e: 15 min

  3. return 201 when POST with parameters
    e: 10 min

  4. return 400 when post with invalid parameters e: 6 min

  5. return url in location when POST user with parameters e: 5 min

  6. return payment json when GET payment by order id
    e: 5 min

  7. return 404 when GET payment by order id fails
    e: 3 min