
Library to convert OpenTSDB data to pandas datastructures

Primary LanguagePython


Library to convert OpenTSDB data to pandas datastructures for analysis. It also allows to name series based on metadata returned in the response.


Testing has primarily been done with the following configuration:

  • RHEL/6.5, Python 2.6.6
  • Ubuntu/trusty64 Python 2.7.6 ???


  • Atleast 1GB of memory

  • Preferrably more than 1 CPU/Core

    atlas-devel blas-devel c++ compiler gcc gcc-gfortran libffi-devel make


pip install git+https://github.com/metrilyx/opentsdb-pandas.git


import requests

from opentsdb_pandas.response import OpenTSDBResponse

tsdb_url = "http://my.opentsdb/api/query"
resp = requests.get(tsdb_url+"?m=sum:nginx.stubstatus.request{host=*}&start=3m-ago")

# This can be a string, list or tuple
oResp = OpenTSDBResponse(resp.text)

# Get a DataFrame with epoch converted to pandas datetime.   
df = oResp.DataFrame(convertTime=True)

# Get a DataFrame with custom column names. In this case set it to 
# the short hostname.
df = oResp.DataFrame("!lambda x: x['tags.host'].split('.')[0]")

print df