
View Dashboard:

Complete the following steps:

  1. Use the D3 library to read in samples.json from the URL

  2. Create a horizontal bar chart with a dropdown menu to display the top 10 OTUs found in that individual.

  • Use sample_values as the values for the bar chart.
  • Use otu_ids as the labels for the bar chart.
  • Use otu_labels as the hovertext for the chart.
  1. Create a bubble chart that displays each sample.
  • Use otu_ids for the x values.
  • Use sample_values for the y values.
  • Use sample_values for the marker size.
  • Use otu_ids for the marker colors.
  • Use otu_labels for the text values.
  1. Display the sample metadata, i.e., an individual's demographic information.

  2. Display each key-value pair from the metadata JSON object somewhere on the page.

  3. Update all the plots when a new sample is selected. Additionally, you are welcome to create any layout that you would like for your dashboard.

  4. Deploy your app to a free static page hosting service, such as GitHub Pages. Submit the links to your deployment and your GitHub repo.