Group 22 - Brooke Mackenzie Dolny (bmdolny), Navraj Singh Chhina (nschhina), Wesley Alexander Ting-Zhang Leung (watleung)
- Thursday, October 5th: Purchase Orders Placed
- Thursday, October 12th, 12:30pm: Draft Proposal and Prototype Plane
- Thursday, October 12th, 9:00pm: Revised Proposal and Prototype Plan
- Thursday, October 26th, 11:30am: Git Assignment (Merging)
- Thursday, October 26th, 11:30am: First Prototype (Tagged in Git)
- Thursday, November 23rd, 11:30am: Final Project
Target Date: Sunday, October 22nd
- create structures for roads, intersections, traffic lights (Wesley)
- create structures for Graph (Wesley)
- implement algorithms Dijkstra's Shortest Path (Wesley)
- develop first iteration of optimization algorithm to determine traffic light timing, taking into account the flow of traffic, 3-way intersections, left turn signals (Navraj)
- mapped out grid layout for prototype (Brooke)
Target Date: Thursday, October 26th
- create structure for cars (Wesley)
- random car spawner and random destinations (Wesley)
- implement pre-timed traffic light system (Wesley)
- implement grid layout of city (Brooke)
- display traffic map of city in console (Wesley)
- working simulation
Target Date: Sunday, November 5th
- efficiency calculator (Wesley)
- take one-way roads into account (Wesley)
- develop model for speed of cars based on congestion (Navraj)
- small random factor of speed of cars (Wesley)
- implement first iteration of optimization algorithm (Wesley)
- basic display of flow of vehicles on roads (Brooke)
Target Date: Sunday, November 19th
- program should be able to run from a Raspberry Pi connected to an LCD screen (Brooke)
- display traffic map of city on an LCD screen (Brooke)
- display additional information such as the volume of vehicles, average travel time, congestion level of a specific roads (Brooke)
- improve optimization algorithm to synchronize traffic lights (Wesley)
- non grid layouts supported (Wesley and Brooke)
- scrolling map (Brooke)
- U-Turns (Wesley)
Target Date: Thursday, November 23rd
- improve graphical display (Brooke)
- increased random factor of cars (Wesley)
- increase city size (Brooke and Wesley)
- optimize performance of simulation (Wesley)
Only if there is time
- connect secondary display
- implement secondary display for city
- allow user to control speed of simulation
- allow user to add cars, select destination, change road layout
- allow user to make slight modifications to the algorithm (such as how quickly it responds to changes in the environment)
- allow user to follow a vehicle
- pedestrian traffic
- non-controlled intersections (no traffic lights)
- accidents, road closures, weather
- drivers not following rules
- add option to model traffic based on time of day