Front-End Quiz Project"

A Quiz application in Angular 6. A user can 'Register' or 'Login' once registred. The authenticated user then can resume answering quiz questions where they left off, also they can create and edit quesitons as well (Admin features still should be implemented).


  • Creating forms with Angular and Material
  • Reusuable components
  • Using Angular service components to talk to back-end ASP.NET API's
  • Reactive Forms With FormBuilder
  • Auth tokens: Save token in browser, pass tokens with Angular requests
  • Logging In, and Logging out with Auth component that uses ASP.NET Identity
  • Score dialog, Play dialog
  • Full CRUD implementaion

Technologies Used

Angular 6, Angular Material, ASP.NET Core 2.0,

June 22, 2018  Paolo P.

This is the front end portion of the project. If you would like to clone this down and run it succesfully, You have to also get the back end portion to be able to run this application in full. You can contact me to get backend part.