실행 순서

###CallActivity -onCreate appRtcClient = new SocketIOClient(this, roomId);->init(); startCall();

-startCall appRtcClient.connectToRoom(roomConnectionParameters);

###SocketIOClient -connectToRoom connectToRoomInternal()

-connectToRoomInternal signalingParametersReady(params);//EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE //http 요청의 콜백으로 setRemoteDescription 등을 하는데, 이걸 socketio이벤트의 콜백으로 set하면 될까

-signalingParametersReady events.onConnectedToRoom(signalingParameters)

###CallActivity -onConnectedToRoom() -onConnectedToRoomInternal peerConnectionClient.createPeerConnection()

###PeerConnectionClient -createPeerConnection() createPeerConnectionInternal(); -createPeerConnectionInternal(); PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration rtcConfig = new PeerConnection.RTCConfiguration(signalingParameters.iceServers);//EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE line 594

위 과정에서 peerConnectionClient.createPeerConnection가 완료되면, peerConnectionClient.getLocalDescription()가 동작해야 한다.

SocketIOClient의 sendOfferSdp와 sendAnswerSdp를 수정하여 emit하도록 하기

signalingParameters.initiator는 통화 받기 동작에서 쓰일 테니 추후에 넣어야 함

[Socket.io] Connected가 먼저 뜨기 때문에 myID등이 설정되지 않음 socketio연결이 완료된 후에 CallActivity를 켜야 함


caller taker server

  1. join-room
  2.  			room-info=>caller
  3.  	join-room
  4.  			room-info=>taker

  1.  			other-user=>taker
  2.  			user-joined=>caller
  3.  	offer
  4.  	ice-candidate*N
  5. handleNewICECandidateMsg()

Failed to execute 'setRemoteDescription' on 'RTCPeerConnection': Failed to set remote answer sdp: The order of m-lines in answer doesn't match order in offer. Rejecting answer. ->폰에서 크롬으로 걸때, ICECandidateMsg가 한번 정도 보내져야 하는데 5번 보낸다. (caller->taker로는 한번 / taker->caller로는 여러번이 맞다)

->크롬이 보낸 ice-candidate리스트를 자신의 candidate목록에 추가한 후, 합쳐진 후보를 응답으로 보내야 한다. ->추가가 되지 않았다. AddIceCandidate: ICE candidates can't be added without any remote session description. remote session description이 오면("offer"가 오면), handleOfferCall에서 session description 처리하고(추가하고?) 나서,

###CallActivity -onRemoteIceCandidate(candidate) peerConnectionClient.addRemoteIceCandidate(candidate);


  1. a=setup:active가 아니라 :actpass다(일단 sdp answer할 때는 active로 수정)

#ice관련에러 1. E/basic_packet_socket_factory.cc: (line 54): UDP bind failed with error 13 E/basic_packet_socket_factory.cc: (line 54): UDP bind failed with error 101 2. E/stun_port.cc: (line 596): sendto : [0x00000016] Invalid argument 3. E/turn_port.cc: (line 848): Port[1c779000:0:1:0:relay:Net[lo:127.0.0.x/8:Loopback:id=1]]: Failed to send TURN message, error: 22 E/turn_port.cc: (line 369): Failed to create TURN client socket

위 에러를 고치기 위해 ice candidate 설정 수정

  1. "ice-candidates"를 받으면 addicecandidate 실행
  2. 자신의 iceServers를 생성하는 것은 아래 두가지 경우

2_1. taker: 'other-user'가 온 경우 ->'offer' emit

2_2. caller: 'offer'가 온 경우 ->'answer' emit


  1. user-joined
  2. offer
  3. ice-candidateN setup iceServer drainCandidates() emit answer emit ice-candidateN //EEEEE
  4. ice-candidate*1 //EEEEE

#sdp, a=setup:actpass설정 offerer - actpass answerer - active/passive

E/jsep_transport_controller.cc: (line 652): Failed to apply the description for m= section with mid='0': Offerer must use actpass value for setup attribute. (INVALID_PARAMETER) E/peer_connection.cc: (line 3097): Failed to set remote answer sdp: Failed to apply the description for m= section with mid='0': Offerer must use actpass value for setup attribute. E/PCRTCClient: Peerconnection error: setSDP error: Failed to set remote answer sdp: Failed to apply the description for m= section with mid='0': Offerer must use actpass value for setup attribute.

CallActivity, SocketIOClient, PeerConnectionClient 등 3개 클래스