
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

FFIChecker: A Static Analysis Tool For Detecting Memory Management Bugs Between Rust and C/C++


This tool generates and analyzes LLVM bitcode to detect potential bugs caused by incorrect use of Rust FFI.

Information about bugs detected by this tool are listed in Trophy Case.


  • Rust nightly, as specified in rust-toolchain.

  • rustc-dev and llvm-tools-preview:

    $ rustup component add rustc-dev llvm-tools-preview
  • LLVM 13:

    # Some required libraries are included in 'libclang-common-13-dev'
    $ sudo apt-get install llvm-13-dev libclang-common-13-dev


  1. Clone the repository

    $ git clone https://github.com/lizhuohua/rust-ffi-checker.git
    $ cd rust-ffi-checker
  2. Build & Install

    # You can build and install the cargo subcommand:
    $ cargo install --path .
    # Or, you can only build the checker itself:
    $ cargo build


The following is a contrived example which contains a use-after-free bug. For more examples, please see examples and trophy-case.

use libc::{c_void, free};

fn main() {
    let mut n = Box::new(1);
    unsafe {
        free(&mut *n as *const _ as *mut c_void);

    *n = 2;

It compiles but will crash at runtime. Our checker can detect it at compile time.


Before using this tool, make sure your Rust project compiles without any errors or warnings.

# If you have installed the cargo subcommand:
$ cargo clean; cargo ffi-checker

# Or, you can directly run the checker binary
$ cargo clean; path/to/cargo-ffi-checker ffi-checker

You can also set the threshold of warnings to filter out false positives.

# Only output warnings with at least medium severity
# Available options: "high", "mid", and "low"
$ cargo clean; cargo ffi-checker -- --precision_filter mid


Set RUST_LOG environment variable to enable logging:

# Enable all logging
$ export RUST_LOG=rust_ffi_checker

# Can also set logging level
$ export RUST_LOG=rust_ffi_checker=debug

For more settings, please see the documents of env_logger.


For macOS, you may encounter dyld: Library not loaded error, try setting:

$ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(rustc --print sysroot)/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
