
Show all lines in the buffer containing word (grep buffer)

Primary LanguageVimL

This is a mirror of http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=2262

This script looks like 'occur' of emacs script.

Create a quickfix list using all lines in the buffer containing a match for regexp.
Search for regexp in the current buffer or all buffers.

Search current buffer:
(1) Search the word by '/' command.
(2)  :Occur

Search all buffers:
(1) Search the word by '/' command.
(2)  :Moccur

Seach all buffers for occurrence of the word nearest to the cursor:
(1) move the cursor to the word
(2) :StarOccur

You can use keymappings of
  <Leader>oc   - Occur
  <Leader>mo   - Moccur
  <Leader>*   - StarOccur

# The default <Leader> is backslash. (ex: \* = StarOccur) 
# (see :help mapleader)

This plugin enhances quickfix key-mapping.
(when this plugin opens the quickfix window.)

<Space> : Set current window height to highest.
x : Display the occurence the current line.
q : Quit the quickfix window.

If you want to disable this, then you can set the variable in the "vimrc".

  let g:occur_no_quickfix_map = 1