
zp_model of Wahl Systematics

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Python code to generate charge distribution from mass yield based on the Z_p model of Wahl Systematics

See details in A.C. Wahl, Systematics of Fission-Product Yields, Los Alamos National Laboratory Report (LA-13928). This is beta-test version for the internal use.


Download the repository from a terminal using:

git clone https://github.com/shinokumura/zp_model.git


Run this code from either terminal or Jupyter Notebook

For terminal,

  1. Run pip install -r requirement.txt if it's needed.

  2. Run the following to use the original space separated mass yield file.

python zpmodel_main.py read /Users/okumuras/Dropbox/Development/zpmodel/zp_model/data/sample.dat

To generate charge distribution from the mass yield generated by the sum of 5-7 Gaussians with gaussian parameters defined in script/params.py, run

python zpmodel_main.py generate.

Alternatively, run jupyter notebook notebook.ipynb.

Changeable parameters are in script/params.py.