
Contains the profile README & site listing

The Vapor Vault

Sick of your favourite Vaporwave labels disappearing overnight for various reasons? Worried about the kind of trouble DMT Tapes FL have been running into with Bandcamp? Vaporwave labels come and go, but The Vapor Vault is here to stay. We're actively archiving Free/NYOP releases, so you don't have to miss out. Do you know of a Vaporwave label/artist that we're not preserving? Send an email to isao2kjf@protonmail.com with the Bandcamp URL.

What will this GitHub account be used for?

The Vapor Vault was built with automation in mind. The project, at this time of writing this README has reached over 15k releases on the Internet Archive, and the collection is growing all the time. As more releases and sites are added, the software behind The Vapor Vault will need to improve and become more low-touch.

Initially, the account will be used to source control a list of the sites being monitored. The software behind The Vapor Vault (the vapor_vault archiver) will eventually be updated to automatically pull from this list.

In the future, portions of the software behind this project may be made public, and this account is the space where that will happen.

This account may also be used to dump statistics around archived releases, for use in other community projects.

This file contains a list of all the sites the vapor_vault archiver watches. Feel free to create a Pull Request containing new sites, or alternatively email me to add a site.

Site submission guidelines are as follows:

  1. The site needs to contain Vaporwave, or an appropriate sub-genre (for example, Slushwave, Mallsoft, Future Funk). Bandcamp release keywords should reflect this. Whilst keywords are not absolutely necessary, but help me easily verify whether the site is appropriate or not to include.
  2. If editing bandcamp-site-listing.txt, please enter URLs in alphabetical order.
  3. Please do not add duplicates.