
Fixes bugs related to charging against entities with vphysics object

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


SourceMod extension that improves impact detection while charging against physics objects with a mass below 250.

Video Demonstration

Charger impact against immovable props PoC


Supported Games


  1. Get latest impactfix release for your OS (linux or windows)
  2. Extract the zip file into your server's mod folder

Test Cases

c2m2 custom immovable prop dynamic -> stop (Asleep = true)

Hit: 1719 ("prop_dynamic")
  Movetype: 7
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: true
  Asleep: true
  IsAlive: true
  Model: "models/props_misc/fairground_tent_closed.mdl"

c1m1 death charge glass (lower floor) -> continue (IsAlive = false)

Hit: 227 ("func_breakable")
  Movetype: 7
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: true
  Asleep: true
  IsAlive: true -> false
  Model: "*30"

c1m1 death charge glass (top floor) -> continue (IsAlive = false)

Hit: 233 ("prop_physics")
  Movetype: 6 -> 0
  Motion Enabled: false -> true
  Static: false
  Asleep: true -> false
  IsAlive: true -> false
  Model: "models/props_windows/hotel_window_glass001.mdl"

c10m4 breakable window -> continue (IsAlive = false)

Hit: 375 ("prop_physics")
  Movetype: 6 -> 0
  Motion Enabled: false -> true
  Static: false
  Asleep: true -> false
  IsAlive: true -> false
  Model: "models/props_windows/window_industrial.mdl"

c10m4 breakable wooden door near bus -> continue (IsAlive = false)

Hit: 414 ("func_breakable")
  Movetype: 7
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: true
  Asleep: true
  IsAlive: true -> false
  Model: "*111"

c1m4 unbreakable window by charger -> stop (Asleep = true)

Hit: 159 ("func_breakable")
  Movetype: 7
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: true
  Asleep: true
  IsAlive: true
  Model: "*91"

c2m2 hittables -> continue (Asleep = false)

Hit: 840 ("prop_physics")
  Movetype: 6
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: false
  Asleep: true -> false
  IsAlive: true
  Model: "models/props_street/trashbin01.mdl"

c10m5 immovable physics prop -> stop (Asleep = true)

Hit: 261 ("prop_physics")
  Movetype: 6
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: false
  Asleep: true
  IsAlive: true
  Model: "models/props_interiors/table_picnic.mdl"

c6m1 wedding chairs -> continue (Asleep = false)

Hit: 81 ("prop_physics")
  Movetype: 6
  Motion Enabled: false -> true
  Static: false
  Asleep: true -> false
  IsAlive: true
  Model: "models/props_urban/plastic_chair001_debris.mdl"

c8m5 minigun -> stop (Asleep = true)

Hit: 150 ("prop_minigun_l4d1")
  Movetype: 7
  Motion Enabled: true
  Static: true
  Asleep: true
  IsAlive: true
  Model: "models/w_models/weapons/w_minigun.mdl"