
🔥 moj - a tiny emoji cli 🔥

Primary LanguageCISC LicenseISC


'moj is for those of us that want something more minimal than emojify.

Reasons to use moj instead of emojify:

  • only 3 letters(!), huge reduction compared to 7 of emojify.
  • written in C, compile time hash table generation, no interpreted language.
  • VERY FAST. How does 0.002s to generate the average commit messages of this project sound? This is on a ThinkPad T61. A potato.
  • data not mixed with code, only generated data/glue and handwritten code. (seperate files)


  • Make (compile time)
  • C99 compiler(?). (compile time)
  • gperf (compile time)

No runtime deps.

To regen the emoji list you also need:

  • wget
  • jq
  • awk


milesj/emojibase for the JSON Emoji list. Many thanks

vifino for doing everything else.
