- 9
[Bug]: .NET Maui 8 - Trying to add job in MauiProgram.cs fails to compile
#1533 opened by fooberichu150 - 2
[Bug]: Out of Memory For Android Background Upload
#1532 opened by MILLION-DevOps - 1
[Bug]: Scan Button causes endless loop
#1530 opened by mcourter - 1
[Feature Request]: Invalid request, wrong diagnosis of a problem I am facing.
#1529 opened by jcsnider - 1
- 4
[Bug]: iOS Push Notification not working.
#1523 opened by archergod - 5
[Bug]: Get/Read two or more Characteristics with same serviceUuid and characteristicUuid not working properly
#1507 opened by testexit29 - 6
- 3
[Bug]: Delegate's OnEntry method has null Notification Title and Message
#1518 opened by batmanwannabe - 9
- 6
[Bug]: OnNewToken repeatadly called
#1508 opened by IeuanWalker - 4
[Bug]: Click on notification poppup => 'This window is already associated with an active Activity (MauiShinyJobNotify.MainActivity).
#1505 opened by TersaCA - 7
[Bug]: Push notification on iOS causes multiple calls to OnReceived and app crashing
#1500 opened by Yahya0007 - 1
[Bug]: BLE Android peripheral renaming does not update peripheral advertisement name
#1503 opened by matthiasleonhardt - 1
[Bug]: Push notification iOS simulator
#1498 opened by IeuanWalker - 13
[Bug]: System.ObjectDisposedException: ObjectDisposed_Generic ObjectDisposed_ObjectName_Name, Android.OS.PowerManager
#1465 opened by mattgagnon2 - 2
- 3
[Bug]: Shiny Unregister()
#1487 opened by BrandanN21 - 1
- 1
[Bug]: The Setup Muai essentials media picker option has a bug at building time
#1482 opened by mdelgadov - 5
[Feature Request]:HttpTransferStore not Found in MAUI
#1480 opened by Parthu11 - 1
- 2
[Bug]: Notification not clickable
#1466 opened by IeuanWalker - 3
- 6
[Bug]: BLE CharacteristicInfo Discovery
#1462 opened by RobSchein - 1
- 2
[Bug]: Shiny Push Notification - Delegate On Entry
#1443 opened by nickdavidbhs - 1
- 5
net8.0 support for Maui
#1394 opened by lancer1977 - 2
[Bug]: ServiceCollectionExtensions.AddBluetoothLE() throws "System.InvalidOperationException: This service descriptor is keyed. Your service provider may not support keyed services."
#1413 opened by swlasse - 3
[Bug]: WriteCharacteristic is always timeout once "GATT is not connected" is thrown
#1434 opened by ygl-rg - 3
- 1
- 1
[Bug]: Bug with NotifyCharacteristic Subscription
#1405 opened by sleushunou - 2
[Bug]: Unsubscription from characteristic notifications might create unstable state
#1381 opened by TimofeyBurak - 6
[Bug]: await IBleManager.RequestAccessAsync() never returns a completed task the first time asking for permissions
#1427 opened by vchelaru - 3
- 0
[Bug]: CharacteristicExtensions.GetAllCharacteristics returns only characteristics of the latest found service
#1420 opened by RobinNunkesser - 3
- 1
[Feature Request]: Allow specifying user-agent header on NSURLSession Config
#1411 opened by breenbob - 3
[Bug]: IPeripheral's connection state is not updated after .Scan() running again
#1404 opened by sleushunou - 1
[Bug]: actionIdentifier not available in OnEntry delegate for Push Notifications
#1412 opened by johngraumann - 1
- 4
[Bug]: IPeripheral's connection state is not updated after .Scan() running again
#1389 opened by sleushunou - 0
IBleManager.IsScanning is always False in Apple
#1401 opened by munkii - 3
- 1
[Bug]: App in background or not running. No any event fires under Android
#1390 opened by msrockswell - 1
- 4
[Bug]: MAUI iOS token not working with Firebase. (Previously under issue #1377)
#1382 opened by Yahya0007 - 2
[Bug]: Object disposed exception in jobs
#1380 opened by wesoos