An official implementation of "An Efficient Deep Q Learning Method to Find the Optimal STI Controls for HIV Patients" (PER-DDQN)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This repository provides the official implementation of "An Efficient Deep Q Learning Method to Find the Optimal STI Controls for HIV Patients" (PER-DDQN).



This repository has been tested on Python 3.10 and Pytorch 2.0.0. Other packages are listed in requirements.txt.

Example installation:

 pip install -r requirements.txt


Both training and evaluation of PER-DDQN model are conducted by main.py.


 python main.py --exp any_name


 python main.py --exp any_name --mode test

If you change the configuration, see configs.py and change some hyperparameters as you want.

For five-day segments setup, set the line 5 and 6 in configs.py as follows:

 max_days = 1000
 treatment_days = 5

For one-day segments setup, set the line 5 and 6 in configs.py as follows:

 max_days = 600
 treatment_days = 1

If you want to verify or change the HIV dynamics environment, see envs/constants.py.